Senin, 23 Januari 2017

Bayar Pajak menggunakan E-Samsat

Hello, welcome back to my blog.

I would like to tell you one my story, since the beginning i had gone through several vehicle tax payment. Several years ago, i always come to SAMSAT office or SAMSAT OUTLET near my house in Bandung. Back then i feeel frustated to get into queue within 1-3 hours to wait until i get my new SKPD/STNK.

I tried to google something from the website and try to use this keyword 'bayar pajak via atm' then i found that West Java Police Department have been used E-SAMSAT, payment system using ATM that easier way to pay tax since 2014.

This is what i do to pay vehicle taxes

1. SMS to number 0811 211 9211, with this format esamsat<spasi>nomor_rangka_mesin<spasi>nomor_e-KTP/KTP<spasi>email

2. After some time, you wil get a code to your phone from SMS they send to you like the picture below. Please don't try to SMS at saturday/sunday because i found it difficult to get SMS reply.

google images
3. after you got, the Kode Bayar, go to BRI/BCA/BNI/BJB ATM. I chose BRI ATM
4. go to Pilih Menu -> Pembayaran -> Lain-lain -> Lain-lain -> Pajak -. E Samsat
5. Input your Area Code first, for West Java you need to input 30004
6. Input your kode Bayar
7. I got my struk that looks like the picture below<i wil upload that later>. Keep the struk save.
8. The last thing you do, is go to nearest SAMSAT / SAMSAT OUTLET and switch the struk+old STNK+KTP, and then wait for 5 minutes your STNK will be ready and then you can go home faster than ever.

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